Rueda de Prensa de Ione Belarra.
Y lo han conseguido:
“There are politicians on the right who constantly question my appearance, my hair, my clothes, my ability, my lack of culture, who say I should be cleaning floors or selling vegetables or fish. But I’m here to change things. It’s true that there’s extra pressure because I’m a woman, but I see this as a part of what has to change.”
Tot es culpa de la Colau, las elites burguesas y afines se han ensañado con ella y su campaña, descalifica que algo queda, ha echo mella, siempre insultando y ridiculizandola, que cosas la gente que se deje manipular/nos dejemos, tan fácilmente.
The car lobby hates it. Colau’s political rivals accuse her of parochialism and of treating the city like a village; architects say she is vandalising Cerdà’s design, though cars were not invented when he drew up the plan.
i les mateixes elits burgeses del moment, es van carregar el Pla Cerda en benefici de la butxaca, de la seva, es clar.