Final del patriarcado

Es no acoger el modelo que nos degrada de lucha de sexos.
es seguir en el largo camino emprendido por mujeres y hombres
para vivir con respeto y dignidad.
nunca manipulación, violencia, odio enfermizo, cuando el amor se acaba.
es custodia compartida
ser independient@s económicamente.
casarse no ha de significar quedarse en casa cuidando a los niñ@s, más allá del tiempo necesario y pactado entre pamamapa.

lunes, 15 de enero de 2024

USA, Iowa Caucus, elecciones, política. It's underway.

Lo que está pasando y lo que está por llegar. Caóticas mis reflexiones.

“This is the first, because the big night is going to be in November when we take back our country,” he said.

El recuento no ha terminado y ya hay claro vencedor, ufff! 

¿qué cosas pasan en la mente de l@s votantes a la hora de emitir su voto?


And with the GOP front-runner in the unprecedented situation of campaigning while under 91 felony charges, about 6 in 10 said they would consider Trump fit for the presidency even if he were convicted. By many measures, Trump has turned his legal problems into an electoral asset, with a Republican base that is embracing his claims to be a victim of a legal system that has been turned into a weapon against him.

Está sucediendo...

...So, normally, it would be dicey to draw larger conclusions from Iowa’s quirky process in which neighbors gather at schools and libraries and community centers.

Then there was the fact that turnout was dampened by the most bitterly cold weather ever recorded on a caucus night. Temperatures here in Des Moines were minus-4 degrees, and felt like minus-22 with the wind factored in. In some rural areas of the state, they were even lower.

Hacia mucho frio y nos hemos quedado helad@s. Digo yo.

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