Final del patriarcado

Es no acoger el modelo que nos degrada de lucha de sexos.
es seguir en el largo camino emprendido por mujeres y hombres
para vivir con respeto y dignidad.
nunca manipulación, violencia, odio enfermizo, cuando el amor se acaba.
es custodia compartida
ser independient@s económicamente.
casarse no ha de significar quedarse en casa cuidando a los niñ@s, más allá del tiempo necesario y pactado entre pamamapa.

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2023

Fundamentalismos amenazantes, lo peor es que les hacemos la cama. Buenas noticias y malas noticias. Mujer Vida Libertad.

 Libertad bajo fianza.

Amenazas que hacen temblar, fanatismos religiosos, patriarcado castrador, violencia en nombre de un constructo que mata. 

Amenazan con la muerte por no llevar pañuelo, por twittear, por cualquier cosa esa, se creen los dueños de las mujeres y todo en nombre de Ala.

 ¿Qué pensamiento, imaginario nefasto ha creado las religiones monoteístas, patriarcales y asesinas?

Los hombres patriarcales-

Como para no escupir sobre ellos y acabar ya con este pensamiento de una vez por todas.



Theo-fascist agenda

The theo-fascist cabal behind the new Israeli government has a clear agenda: Judeo-supremacy and ethnic cleansing. But that’s only the plan for Palestinians. It has similarly repressive plans for the Jewish population as well. I call it Jewish Talibanism. It mixes a fundamentalist form of (Orthodox) Judaism with an anti-woke social agenda. That includes homophobia, misogyny, and a Judeo-supremacism that echoes Nazi Aryan principles.

Women will be restricted in many public spaces. Women will not even be allowed in the back of the bus with men. Men will have their own separate buses. Women their own: separate but equal. We all know how that worked out under Jim Crow. Rosa Parks successfully defied white supremacy. But Israeli women, I’m afraid, are entering a new era of oppression. Further, women will no longer serve in the army, as the Judeo-Taliban believe that women’s role is in the home, raising children. Sound familiar?

rabbi meir mazuz taliban rabbi

Israel’s Taliban rabbi, Meir Mazus called the gay Knesset speaker, “a disease”

Gay Pride parades, held every year in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem (despite one fatal and another near-fatal stabbing in previous years), will be canceled. One senior rabbi even called the new Knesset speaker, who is gay, “infected by disease.” Doctors will be permitted to refuse treatment to gay patients. Business owners may refuse service to gay patrons.

The homophobes will tell you they have no prejudice against gays. But they seek, as the Supreme Court argued in the Hobby Lobby and related cases, to respect religious conviction. Of course, the argument is specious. The truth is that they hate gays and want to legalize homophobia without acknowledging that’s what they’re doing. Though, of course, their lies may be so persuasive they actually believe them.

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