Final del patriarcado

Es no acoger el modelo que nos degrada de lucha de sexos.
es seguir en el largo camino emprendido por mujeres y hombres
para vivir con respeto y dignidad.
nunca manipulación, violencia, odio enfermizo, cuando el amor se acaba.
es custodia compartida
ser independient@s económicamente.
casarse no ha de significar quedarse en casa cuidando a los niñ@s, más allá del tiempo necesario y pactado entre pamamapa.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2024

IA y la "humanidad", según lo leido las máquinas pueden hacer las cosas mucho mejor que la humanidad, teniendo en cuenta de lo que es capaz la humanidad, me lo creo pero no me lo creo,

 IA encerrada en una "cajita" y no puede salir/pensar fuera de ella pero...

One of the world’s leading managers in the field of Artificial Intelligence unveils the secrets to creating synergy between human and artificial intelligence that will revolutionize our world.

destapa, desvela que...

A machine can use big data to generate information better than humans. However, a machine can’t understand context, doesn’t have feelings or ethics, and can’t think ‘out of the box’. Therefore, rather than prioritize between humans and machines, we should create The Human-Machine Team, which will combine human intelligence and artificial intelligence, creating a ‘super cognition’.

Contradicciones humanas muy humanas:

Earlier this week, the IDF murdered seven World Central Kitchen humanitarian aid workers who had just delivered 100 tons of food to a Gaza warehouse.  They were nationals of many European countries, the US and Canada.  Israel has killed 200 such aid workers since 10/7. All were Palestinian.  But this incident was different. These were western nations. All allies of Israel. All supportive of Israel’s response to the Hamas attack.  When Israel drew blood of their countrymen and women, support turned to horror.  The world watched the pictures of the wrecked vehicles, the hole the missile made in the car roof which obliterated the passengers.  All people could feel is disgust.

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Solas, Berlin is in Germany,On connaît la chanson,En nombre de la rosa, Amistad,Antonia"s line,Juno

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  • el Código da Vinci

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