Final del patriarcado

Es no acoger el modelo que nos degrada de lucha de sexos.
es seguir en el largo camino emprendido por mujeres y hombres
para vivir con respeto y dignidad.
nunca manipulación, violencia, odio enfermizo, cuando el amor se acaba.
es custodia compartida
ser independient@s económicamente.
casarse no ha de significar quedarse en casa cuidando a los niñ@s, más allá del tiempo necesario y pactado entre pamamapa.

martes, 7 de abril de 2020

USA, MISERY? Covid-19 and black people

La industria armamentística actividad de primera necesidad, no se para, pero, los profesionales de la sanidad con bolsas de plástico.

El país que tanto presume de todo.

Terrible, este virus tan puñeteramente selectivo. Ahora ataca a los que más sufren de injusticia social.

"...Black people most affected in the United States
In the United States, New York State, the US epicenter of the epidemic, recorded a new record of 731 deaths in 24 hours, for a total of 5,489 deaths.
Saint John the Theologian Cathedral in Manhattan is being transformed into a field hospital, with medical tents in its long nave and crypt.
"In previous centuries, cathedrals were still used this way, as during the plague," observed the dean of the cathedral, Clifton Daniel.
But New York is not the only American home. The hospitals in New Jersey, just to the south, as well as those in Michigan (Detroit) and Louisiana (New Orleans), are submerged.
A population seems particularly exposed, according to reports from a few jurisdictions, including Chicago and Washington: the Blacks.
First because they are more likely to have one of the diseases that cause life-threatening complications from Covid-19: diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease.
But also because historical socio-economic inequalities worsen the impact of the epidemic in the community: less access to care and screening, and jobs more exposed to contamination (supermarket, bus drivers ...).
Minority organizations have called on the federal authorities to publish national statistics broken down by what the Americans call "race" and ethnicity.

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