Viendo estas dos fotos de la familia Obama entiendo el sentimiento de orgullo y satisfacción que pueda sentir una parte de la comunidad negra hacia el senador democrata y lo que representa para l@s negr@s estadounidenses tan injustamente tratados, aún hoy en dia, por l@s blanc@s estadounidenses. Si le añadimos el componente religioso que acompaña la vida de una parte importante de esta comunidad puedo entender las esperanzas y la fe de cambio y de dignidad recuperada que representan. Espero, cosa que me cuesta creer, que sepan cumplir con todas las expectativas que ellos mismos se han hecho depositarios.
Dan la sensación de ser una família de actores famosos de Hollywood.
Ya está a la vuelta de la esquina la convención demócrata y supongo que Hillary hará valer sus votos, mal les pese a muchos. Que las suerte les acompañe a tod@s
Ya está a la vuelta de la esquina la convención demócrata y supongo que Hillary hará valer sus votos, mal les pese a muchos. Que las suerte les acompañe a tod@s
Parte del escrito en que una bloguera negra plantea el desprecio con que los hombres negros tratan a sus mujeres y la delicadeza, el respeto y el amor que el gentleman senador Obama refleja hacia su mujer y sus hijas, los amores familiares son, en este caso, de una rentabilidad política impresionante, aunque, más bien dan la sensación de ser una familia de actores famosos de Hollywood:
"...One of the things that I love about Barack Obama is that he uplifts and clearly loves his wife. The respect he has for her is obvious. Young black males need to see an educated black man loving and honoring a black woman. Young black males need to see an educated black gentleman loving his little black daughters.
Are you aware that in some segments of the black community a man is not considered a man until he has “dissed” a woman. It’s a sickness and I LOVE that Obama is teaching by example.
Michelle Obama, the Illinois senator’s wife, will be the keynote speaker Monday night, taking the stage in prime time on the first day of the convention, the campaign said in a joint statement with the Democratic convention committee.
On Tuesday night, New York Senator Hillary Clinton has the prime-time slot.
Clinton, who failed narrowly in her bid to clinch the nomination, has endorsed Obama but will undoubtedly address a crowd filled with her own supporters, many of whom are still reeling from her defeat.
Do you all see who he put first? His WIFE gets to speak first. Keep on keeping on, Obama!
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Are you aware that in some segments of the black community a man is not considered a man until he has “dissed” a woman. It’s a sickness and I LOVE that Obama is teaching by example.
Michelle Obama, the Illinois senator’s wife, will be the keynote speaker Monday night, taking the stage in prime time on the first day of the convention, the campaign said in a joint statement with the Democratic convention committee.
On Tuesday night, New York Senator Hillary Clinton has the prime-time slot.
Clinton, who failed narrowly in her bid to clinch the nomination, has endorsed Obama but will undoubtedly address a crowd filled with her own supporters, many of whom are still reeling from her defeat.
Do you all see who he put first? His WIFE gets to speak first. Keep on keeping on, Obama!
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