Final del patriarcado

Es no acoger el modelo que nos degrada de lucha de sexos.
es seguir en el largo camino emprendido por mujeres y hombres
para vivir con respeto y dignidad.
nunca manipulación, violencia, odio enfermizo, cuando el amor se acaba.
es custodia compartida
ser independient@s económicamente.
casarse no ha de significar quedarse en casa cuidando a los niñ@s, más allá del tiempo necesario y pactado entre pamamapa.

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008

Thanksgiving day

Obama, anima a alumn@s de una escuela católica, a estudiar ,con el estímulo añadido de que un día ell@s, también podrán llegar a ser President@ de EE.UU... junto con otras reflexiones.

An Obama aide said the family has been to this particular food bank before and has pitched in here or elsewhere at least two other years.
Asked why he'd brought his daughters along, he replied: "I want them to learn the importance of how fortunate they are and to make sure they're giving back."
"The number of people who are getting food this year is up 33 percent. It gives a sense times are tough -- and I think that on Thanksgiving it's important for us to remember there's a need for support.

"These folks were already oftentimes having a tough time, and it gets tougher now." He encouraged all Americans of means to help out however they could. "This is part of what Thanksgiving should be all about," he said.

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